Meet The Artist

Elizabeth Johnson

I’m Elizabeth Johnson, a landscape painter from Dorset, Ontario, capturing the beauty of Muskoka and Haliburton through oil paintings. When not painting outdoors, I create abstract and still life works in my boathouse studio on Shoe Lake.
My Artworks
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"I painted whenever I could, and, when I couldn't, I dreamt of painting"

Winter Paintings

In the month of January 2025, I participated in the Stradaeasel Challenge to create a painting a day, on location. That's 31 complete paintings in one month. I painted scenes of my beautiful.village, Dorset, nestled in the Algonquin Highlands on the far east edge of Muskoka in Ontario. When it snowed, I painted scenes of my home and my cafe at Pizza on Earth. All are oil paintings.
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Lacy Snow
This was the very first painting of the year 2025, on January 1.. The scene is right outside my door. I love the playful, jaunty way snow rests on the branches after a big snowfall. The painting comes framed in a solid maple floater frame.
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Shoe Lake Road
I live on a windy, twisty road, that weaves up into the hills and dips down to small Shoe Lake and my home. I walk this beautiful road most days and often find inspiration for my paintings.
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Slender Birches
Behind my pizzeria is a yard where we cut the firewood for the giant pizza ovens. Up on a small hill are these slender birches. I painted this on location when it was -26! The sun was shining and since there had been precious few days of sunshine, I just had to get out there and paint. I froze! All of my paintings come framed in solid maple floater frames.
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Waiting for Summer
Winters in Dorset are quiet - such a difference from the lively summer and all the bustle of business, cottagers and tourists. I found this array of chairs at a cottage on Rabbit's Bay on Lake of Bays. The light in March is beautiful, especially in the late afternoon. The chairs reminded me of people, quietly enjoying the last rays of sunshine and patiently waiting for the cottagers to come to enjoy the beautiful view of Lake of Bays they are facing. All paintings come framed in a solid maple floater frame, custom-made in Dorset.
A Journey of Art and Life
From European Travels to Canadian Creativity
As a teen, I traveled through Europe and the Middle East, lived in Crete, and studied French language civilization, and culture in Paris. After returning to Canada, I taught high school, raised four kids, and painted whenever possible. Now, I paint full-time from November to May and run a wood-fired pizzeria with my kids in the summer.
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Autumn Paintings

I don't get to paint a lot when our pizzeria (Pizza on Earth) is open in the warm weather. But, one day a week I take off and escape with my easel. Got to keep the painting skill well primed so as not to lose my the painterly touch!
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Livingstone Lake Rock
Livingstone Lake is on the edge of Algonquin Park, but not in the park limits. It is where I have a small, off-grid cabin that faces this majestic rock face.
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Bigwin Boat Docked in Dorset
The Bigwin is a historic boat that used to ferry vacationers to the famous Bigwin Island on Lake of Bays where live bands, dancing, swimming, fine dining and lodging entertained guests. This boat ferried many famous musicians, actors and politicians to the island in the first half and mid part of the 1900"s. That era is now gone. In the 90's, the boat was resurrected from its watery resting groungs and restored. Today, the Bigwin carries tourists all around beautiful Lake of Bays. It docks in my village - Dorset. An original painting of the HHS Bigwin is a popular purchase! This painting is framed in a solid maple floater frame.
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Artist's Canoe
My canoe is very old and very heavy. I can barely lift it into the lake. However, it fits me and my small lake perfectly, it glides gracefully and silently through the water and responds instantly to the commands of my paddle. I love it. I first aw it on a back road on my way to Huntsville, one rainy day. The canoe was half in the ditch, with a "For Sale" sign on it. I sped by, but thought about it all day. I made a point to drive home the back way again, just to have another look. It was gone! I went to the nearest house and knocked on the barn door. The man said, " It's still here. I just pulled it out of the rain." Now, I am not an expert on choosing the right canoe, but I can recognize a thing of great beauty and character. My thought was, "Just think of the beautiful paintings I can make with this canoe - not only the canoe itself, but the places it can take me to." The seller was a canoe builder and he told me that this canoe was the oldest canoe that had ever crossed his threshold. He and his friend had restored it. I bought it.
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Dorset Bridge from Underneath
This is a rather unusual view. I have painted the iconic Dorset hump bridge many times from just about every angle, except this one. It was a very bleak, grey day and I thought it was perfect for painting the undergirding of a grey, iron bridge. All paintings come framed in a solid maple floater frame, handcrafted in Dorset.
My Art Spaces
Explore My Work
My paintings are on display at my art gallery at Pizza on Earth. It is open the public every day in the summer. Check my website for spring, fall and winter hours. You can also make an appointment to visit it any time. Solo shows and group shows elsewhere will be announced on my website.
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Arowhon Pines and Algonquin Park

For the past two years, I have been the artist-in-residence at Arowhon Pines. I love this opportunity! Theresa, the owner, treats me like royalty. One day a week in the summer, I set up my easel on the grounds of the resort and paint. Guests can come and watch the progress and ask questions about painting, or about the painter. I even have my own little gallery on the premises from which I sell just about everything I produce. When the lunch bell rings, Theresa, or another staff member, fetches me to come into the historic, hexagonal dining hall to enjoy a gourmet lunch, on the house! Sometime, I canoe around Little Joe Lake and paint the landscape, too.
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Dining Hall at Arowhon Pines
The dining hall at Arowhon Pines is a soaring, hexagonal, wood structure with a huge, central fireplace open on all sides. The buiding was built in the early 1900's by Polish men using only hand tools. It is stunningly beautiful as well as an engineering feat! I love to paint out on the covered verandah that overhangs Lake Little Joe.
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Servers at Arowhon PInes
Here is the inside of my favourite dining hall. I love to sit and watch the young servers dressed crisply in formal white and black as they silently move around the hall, attending to every need of the guests.
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Rock Lake, Algonquin Park
The best day of last summer was a tour of Rock Lake and Whitefish Lake in Algonquin Park. My friend Mike ferried my husband and me all around the lakes in his wooden boat on a warm, sunny day in August. These were one of the spectacular and inspiring cliffs that we visited.
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Canoeing on Little Joe Lake, Algonquin Park
On occasion, my husband paddles me around Joe Lake to paint. I particularly like to paint the small creek at the north end, that flows out of Little Joe.

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